Show your Samurai Name Certificate to a store staff and make your own Samurai outfits!
– Red: Sensu (Japanese foldable fan) specialty store
– Sky blue: Chopsticks specialty store
– Green: Wagasa (Umbrella) and Cyōchin (Japanese lantan) specialty store
– Gold: Door plate and stamp specialty store
– Brown: Kimono specialty store
– Idigo pin: Kendō specialty store
– black pin: Samurai (+Iaidō) specialty store
| Hakuchikudō head store (白竹堂本店)
Sensu (扇子) Japanese foldable fan specialty store
Official Website (Japanese)
Opening hours: 10:00am – 6:00pm, Closed Thursday
*June-August, 10:00am – 7:00pm, Open daily
Telephone: 075-221-1341
English address: Shirakabe-machi, Rokkaku-noboru, Kōjimachi-dōri, Nakagyō-ku
Japanese address: 京都市中京区麩屋町通六角上ル白壁町448番地 (Google Map)
Service price / Name engraving on a main rib:
¥500 + tax ~
Creation time:
Approximately 5 minutes *Note that there may be delays of a few minutes in cases of high traffic online
- A long-established Sensu (Japanese foldable fan) store founded in 1718 - All parts are carefully selected and are of top quality - All Sensu are made with the specialized technique of a superior craftsperson
- The max number of engraving names is 5 (see more *Japanese). So if your total names are over 6 kanji characters, I recommend you ask the staff to engrave only your family name Myōji (名字).
| Hashi gallery Mon Kyoto store (箸ギャラリー門 京都店)
Chopsticks specialty store
Official Website *Japanese
Opening hours: 9:30am – 9:30pm
Telephone: 075-252-1284
English address: 406-3 Sakurano-chō, Sanjyō-sagaru, Shinkyōgoku-dori, Nakagyō-ku
Japanese address: 京都市中京区新京極通三条下る桜之町406-3 (Google Map)
Service price / Name engraving on chopsticks:
¥400 + tax ~
Creation time:
Approximately 10 minutes *Note that there may be delays of a few minutes in cases of high traffic online
- A wide range of chopsticks
| Tsujikura (辻倉)
Wagasa (Umbrella) and Cyōchin (Japanese lantan) specialty store
Opening hours: 11:00am – 7:00pm, Closed Wendensday
Telephone: 075-221-4396
English address: 7F Tsujikura Bldg. Higashi-gawa Shijyo Noboru, Kawaramachi-dori, Nakagyo-ku
Japanese address: 京都市中京区米屋町380TSUJIKURAビル 7F (Google Map)
Service price / Name printing on an umbrella:
Free within 5 kanji characters *Over 6 characters, additional 1 character / ¥500 + tax
Creation time:
Approximately 2 hours if you place an order between 11:00am - 2:00pm *Orders after 2:00pm: the product is delivered the following day *International post (EMS) is available
- A long-established Wagasa manufacturer since 1690.
- A wide range of Japanese light “AKARI” by Isamu Noguchi
- You can receive a full-order-made Cyōchin with Kamon *Advance notice required, ask me about how this may affect your delivery time in the contact form
| Tōzandō Nishijin head store (東山堂 西陣本店)
Kendō specialty store
Opening hours: 9:00am – 6:00pm *schedule may change dependung upon holidays
Telephone: 075-411-2460
English address: Higashi-iru, Chiekōin, Nakadachiuri-dōri, Kamigyō-ku
Japanese address: 京都市上京区中立売通智恵光院東入 (Google Map)
Service price / Name marking on a Kendō zekken:
¥1500 + tax ~
Creation time:
Approximately 5 days *International post available
- Top quality Japanese martial arts outfits - Big show room of Kendō goods - You can make a full-order-made goods as well as repair your goods - You can enjoy a fantastic tour of a Kendō workshop
| Tōzandō Shōgoin store (東山堂 聖護院店)
Samurai (+Iaidō) specialty store
Opening hours: 10:00am – 7:00pm *Exceptions during the the summer and New Year’s holidays
Telephone: 075-762-1341
English address: Shōgoin’entomi-chō 24, Sakyō-ku
Japanese address: 京都市左京区聖護院円頓美町24 (Google Map)
Service price / Name marking on Iaidō uniform:
About ¥400 + tax / 1 kanji character ~
Creation time:
Approximately 10 days *International post available
- Top quality Iaidō outfits - Show room of samurai armor - You can choose samurai swords from a wide range - Professional staffs who can speak English to help you navigate
| Takashimaya department store 5F (京都高島屋)
Kimono specialty counter
Official Website of Kimono counter at 5F *Japanese
Official Website of the department store
Opening hours: 10:00am – 8:00pm
Telephone: 075-221-8811
English address: 52 Shinchō, Shijō-dōri, Kawaramachi Nishi iru, Shimogyō-ku
Japanese address: 下京区四条通河原町西入ル真町52 (Google Map)
Service price / Name printing on Furoshiki with Kamon:
¥38,000 + tax ~
Creation time:
Approximately 45 days *International post available
- Good location in the center of Kyoto - Highest quality of Kimono goods - You can make a full-order-made Kimono with Kamon
-Kamon printing on Kimono at five positions prices ¥11,500 +tax~ (approximately 14 days required). *International post available