A new Samurai born in UK!!
A new Samurai has been born in the UK!! To be true to your Samurai names.
A new Samurai has been born in the UK!! To be true to your Samurai names.
A new Samurai has been born in the UK!! To be true to your Samurai names.
A new Samurai has been born in Philippines!! To be true to your Samurai names.
A new Samurai has been born in Turkey!! To be true to your Samurai names.
A new Samurai has been born in USA!! To be true to your Samurai names.
A new Samurai has been born, and the samurai name certificate flies to UK!! . To be true to your Samurai names … Continued
Shibata Katsuie 柴田 勝家 was one of the famous samurai in the Sengoku period, a main general in Oda Nobunaga’ … Continued
Gotō Mototsugu 後藤 基次, also known as Gotō Matabei 後藤 又兵衛, was a famous brave samurai of the late Sengoku peri … Continued
Katō Kiyomasa 加藤 清正 was one of the strong Samurai well-known to be good at handling spears and building ca … Continued
Saika Magoichi 雑賀 孫一 or Suzuki Magoichi 鈴木 孫一 was a mysterious Samurai leader of gun mercenaries in Sengok … Continued